
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Visit with the Family

We went to visit the family this past weekend and I couldn't resist sharing some of these fun and FUNNY pictures of all the kids (and grown-ups) having a great time! These pictures were taken at Mimi and PawPaw's house where we went outside and ran around 'til dark.

 This is Ethan's new favorite "trick". Talented, huh?

 Hanging with his best bud, Uncle Danny.

 More running....
 And still, more running!
 I'm not sure, but I think Ethan had fun...what do you think?
 Here's all the kids piled up on top of each other.

 5 cousins. Ava had an awesome time playing with them. I loved seeing all the kids playing together!

 It's a race!

 He's Flying!

 Peek a boo!

 GG and Ethan


Family time is so important! Where would we be without all the love and support we get from family? Thanks to all those who love, support, pray, give, lend, and share with me and my lovely family! You are loved and appreciated more than you could know!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun Photoshoot

While visiting with Grandpa last weekend, I borrowed his "fancy" camera to take some new pics of my girl! She was DUE! Here are some that turned out super!

And I promise! Those were just a FEW. I had lots of fun using that awesome camera! Hee Hee! Thanks Grandpa!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Racing Day

I'm so proud of my hubby! He's really taken to the "couch to 5K" program and is a running junkie now! So far he's run 3 different 5K races and been successful in his time each run!

Recently, he did a fun run with his bro. The kids and I went to cheer them on and we got some good pictures, too! Check 'em out!

 Getting ready before the race

 And they're off!

 Of course, while we waited for them to lap around, I couldn't resist taking some picture of my gorgeous kids!

 Lap 1 down! One more to go guys!

 Running WITH smiles on their faces! That's gooood!

 More kid pics!
 I LOVE the way this one turned out!

Rounding the corner on the last lap! Way to go! Keep on truckin'!

Okay, I'm putting it in writing....Once Reagan is born and I'm given the "go ahead" I plan to jump on board the running train, too! This could get verrry interesting, seeing as I can probably run for about 45 SECONDS straight, and I mean PRE baby! hee hee...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Colors of the Rainbow

After an very exhausting, restless sleep last night (I think Ethan's having separation anxiety), the kids were ramped and ready to go. Wait. That doesn't sound right, does it? Poor Mama is EXHAUSTED!! And they want to play, play, play! Well, what's a gal to do?

Jump on board!

Ava kept asking "what can I do?" And honestly, she'd been "doing" stuff all morning but I decided to check out my new FAVORITE site, Pinterest and look for a good activity for the kids. (Seriously, check out this site! It's AMAZING! Something for absolutely everyone!)

We found this great outdoor painting project that looked like lots of fun, so off we went to get creative!

Homemade outdoor paint recipe:
1 part cornstarch
1 part water
food coloring

 You can make as many colors as you want! Lots of options!

 Having a good time!

 Then the fun began...painting on themselves. Oh well, comes off pretty well. Who cares if they have slightly blueish hands and feet for a few days?

Of course, Monkey See, Monkey Do! Ethan has to paint HIS hands, too!
 Oh, in case you're wondering. That's my belly shot. Only 7 more weeks til baby girl is here!

And the final project! Cute and different! Gonna have to try this again sometime!