
Monday, August 15, 2011

1st Day of School

Today was Ava's 1st Day of VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten). She was so excited and couldn't wait to go, which surprised the heck out of me! I sometimes call her my "nervous-nelly" (not to her face, of course) because she if frequently afraid of what she doesn't know. Being that this was a new experience, I thought she'd freak out a little. But OH NO! She was ready to go, bright and early this morning!

All ready to go! Ethan wanted to get in on the "first day" pictures, too!
She had a fantastic day! Loved every minute of it and may have even learned a few things, too! She's excited to go back tomorrow, which is good, though she's under the impression she'll be "graduating" soon...hmmm? Well, we'll just cross that bridge if we need to!
I made a "special treat" for everyone for our special day. They are supposed to look like apples with worms but my red icing looks more pink than anything. Just use your imagination! :) 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where Have We Been?

Summer is just about gone. Well, at least the summer vacation part, that is. The heat is still here....ugh! But hubby is in full swing of Pre-Plan and ready to go back on Monday. And, (I can hardly believe it) my big girl is heading out to her first year of school, called VPK! Wow! Time sure flies! She is super excited though and I know she'll do wonderfully in her new school.

Here's what kept us occupied these last few weeks! Ava did a week long music camp and LOVED it! They did chorus, orff instruments, organ, and harp!

 You know I cried! My girl is singin!
 For their final performance they did a group presentation of Peter and the Wolf. Ava played the recorder.

Last week, the BFF came for a lovely visit. We were SOOO excited the Gebb's could come down here this summer. I don't this we'd have made it far, what with this big belly holding me back! We had 9 people in our house for an entire week, but it was actually OK! The kids had a blast...not a single fight or tear was shed. It was like they'd been friends all their lives as well. Oh, how I miss them already....COME BACK!!

We went to the beach and to a park one day. Here are some pictures of our trips!

This is Townley...she and Ethan are only 15 days apart. Of course we planned it that way. ;)


 Work it, Greyson!

Last weekend, we were able to celebrate GGMa's birthday. We went out to lunch and back to her house for cake and presents.

 Me and my momma. I'm SURE she'll LOVE this picture! :)

So that's what's been going around these parts! I'm looking forward to being back in the swing of things, but most importantly, to meeting baby Reagan! SHe'll be making her debut in less than 4 weeks. About 24 days!! I can not wait! These last few weeks will fly by!

Ready or not.....!