See my new fancy "running" shoes. Don't worry, I wasn't just modeling the shoes. The photo is from AFTER I went running. And when I say "running" I do mean that word loosely. I'm pretty darn slow, but my goal is just to go. Nothing's a race in my book. The prize will be getting through the run and feeling good about myself.
How have your resolutions been going? Are they more like goals?
My goal is running too! I love the socks you went running in. It's so very important to be stylish while out on the road. *grin*
Thanks! Oh yeah! Christmas socks really let the outfit rock!
I like this challenge! Mine are more like goals. Hubbs and I are on a juice fast at the moment which was one of ours for the New Year,
i'm loving all of the running shoes in this week's link-up! here's hoping we all stick to that resolution...maybe even have a virtual celebration at the end of the year! ;^)
i've embraced my inner turtle. just remember you're still running faster than the people sitting on the couch!
Good job. Fast or slow it's just the getting out and moving. I am not a runner but a very fast walker
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