
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Potty Trenches

Some of you know that we've been in the potty war zone lately. Yep, we decided to start the training with Ethan. I know, I know! Everyone has told me it's harder to train boys. Boys are late bloomers. ETC...

But he really seemed interested in it! Honestly! He's really smart too.


He's also really STUBBORN!

Geesh is this kid stubborn! Not sure where he gets it (my side)...hee hee...

Anyway, he started off strong and was doing so well. Two weeks later though, he still wasn't telling us when he needed to go. We gave up. I was tired off cleaning up and constantly asking, "Do you have to go potty?". And going out to friends' houses was worse. I mean, peeing on my floor: Annoying. Peeing on someone else's floor: embarrassing...Sorry Carolyn!!

So, against all I've ever believed, we enlisted the help of some pull-ups. And man, these things are magical! Only 2 times has he gone in them! And he's now telling us when he needs to go!! Looks like we'll be back in the man-panties soon enough!

1 comment:

Amy said...

When he gets older and sees his picture (sitting on a toilet) under the word "man-panties",.... !